Key takeaways of the Latin America Office Report, 2019
Mexico City concentrates 27% of the total surveyed stock
The region’s inventory will increase by 18% in the next two years
Half of the area to be added up to 2021 will correspond to Mexico
The fastest growing market up to 2021 will be Guadalajara, with a projected 70% increase
Santiago presents the best ratio between stock and population (one square meter of office space per 2.2 inhabitants)
The lowest vacancy rate is found in Santiago, at 4.6%
Buenos Aires is the most expensive city of the region, with an average asking rental price of USD 30.6 per square meter per month for Class A space. Asunción registers the lowest prices for Class A units, at USD 15.7
The average sale price per square meter throughout the region amounts to USD 3,100
According to the JLL Transparency Index 2018, Brazil has the most transparent market of Latin America (ranked 37 out of a total of 100 surveyed countries)
Apart from Bolivia, all the countries covered in this report are ranked “High” or “Very high” in the Human Development Index, with Chile being the best performer
Although in recent years a significant number of Latin American economies have expanded considerably, most of them continue to reveal a great dependency on primary exports
Latin America joined the global trend that sees co-working spaces becoming more and more relevant
The typical lease term within the region ranges between three and five years