Constructing a sustainable and functional Interface
How JLL's team helped Interface build out the perfect space across town.
Square Feet
Optimized for human health
WELL Gold Certification
In pursuit of getting all Atlanta-based employees under one roof, JLL helped Interface move in-town with a vision of sustainability and wellness.
JLL, in conjunction with a developer, led the process to transform the building into a showcase core & shell space with a roof deck, rainwater collection system and a highly specialized energy-saving HVAC system.
Major changes were identified, such as no private offices and only 40% dedicated desks, as well as conducive interior programs and furnishing. Extensively valued “Work Choice” provided non-assigned workstations, private enclaves, a café environment and open collaborative areas to let employees choose their work location for the type of work that needed to be done at the time.
The project was one of the first in Georgia to achieve WELL Gold and LEED v4 Platinum certifications. By investing in something old and transforming it into something new, beautiful and functional, Interface is living their brand and the team is able to tell the same story about their headquarters as they can tell about their flooring.